Before you receive your massage treatment a brief medical history will be taken. For a relaxation massage this will only take a few minutes, if you are having a sports or remedial massage a more detailed medical history will be required, and an assessment between the injured and uninjured area will be completed. If you are having a sports or remedial massage for the first time you may wish to book a seperate consultation or ensure you book an hour session for your first visit.
I will ensure that the room that the massage is to be undertaken is at a comfortable temperature, I will then leave the room while you undress, you are only required to undress as far as your underwear and then lie on the massage table under the towels provided. Then apart from the area being treated you will remain covered throughout the entire massage, to keep you warm and relaxed.
I encourage feedback during and after your massage treatment to ensure that you receive the best massage for you.
Are you suffering from Back Pain?
why not book an assessment
Are you suffering from an injury?
why not book a
Sports/Remedial Massage
Have you had a
stressfull week?
book a relaxation massage
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